uPVC Windows

We are very happy to announce the fact that we have added a new product to our array: UPVC windows. Next to steel and aluminum windows, UPVC windows offer a wide array of benefits, that suit all possible residential as well as non-residential buildings. The materials used in this product offer an economically friendly and ecological solution, which makes it possible to install high-quality windows with a lower available budget. Due to the relatively low price of the windows, combined with excellent thermal insulation, they are often chosen when replacing windows in residential buildings and offices.

The difference between PVC and UPVC explained in detail

Even though UPVC sounds a lot like the already known material PVC, there are some major differences between these two materials. UPVC stands for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, whereas PVC is polyvinyl chloride. These materials are essentially two different types of vinyl, which are used worldwide in the construction industry. This is mainly due to their flexibility and versatility, making it possible to produce a wide array of shapes and colors. Nonetheless, these materials are used a little bit differently within the industry.

PVC Windows

PVC is frequently used to create fences and certain types of siding. UPVC is used more for the construction of doors and windows. Due to its toxic chemical composition, PVC is not very suitable for the construction of windows and doors. Due to this, PVC has already been banned in all toy products in Europe as well as the United States. These toxic properties are substances such as phthalates and BPA. These substances can be extremely harmful to the environment, and our health as well. If a fire breaks out, these chemicals will become airborne by becoming toxic fumes, which can cause very serious damage to our body and organs.

These chemical compounds are used to give vinyl its flexibility by plasticizing it. This makes PVC also more porous, which is a negative trait for materials if they have to endure heavy weather conditions. This doesn’t make PVC a very suitable candidate for windows and doors, since especially these types of products require a very high durability. Porosity might imply moisture problems in the long run, which will cause deterioration of the material itself. Next to that; PVC will require a lot more maintenance on your part, such as the removal of surface stains. This can prove to be very difficult if your windows and/or doors are not easily accessible. These are the main reasons, that PVC is not often used to construct doors and windows.

uPVC Windows

Contrary to PVC, UPVC does not contain phthalates or BPA. This is also referred to in its name; unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. This creates a much safer product for the environment, without being a potential biohazard. Nonetheless, UPVC still offers the same benefits that a vinyl window frame offers. UPVC is very well known for its robust qualities, as it is very resistant to all kinds of extreme (weather) conditions. This is the main reason why it’s primarily chosen for the construction of doors and windows. Its thermal efficiency as well as its durability provide for an amazing material that literally can stand the test of time, without being dangerous for the environment in any way. That’s some feat for a man-made material! UPVC offers a wide array of additional benefits, apart from being sustainable and safe.

For example, the surface of UPVC is much less porous than a PVC surface, which makes it easier to maintain. In essence, you will only have to wash your UPVC windows every now and then, to keep them looking clean and neat. The durable quality of UPVC makes it possible for this material to last for decades, without any large maintenance projects. The high-energy efficiency of UPVC is also notable, since with a UPVC window your house will be very well isolated.

This also has a very positive effect on the value of your house or non-residential building. Furthermore, the material is very rigid, and thus, will not flex, shrink or expand. Especially for window frames, this is a very important characteristic. Moreover, the material is completely recyclable and will remain its color over decades, without any fading. Pro Windows only uses UPVC windows and doors, since we believe in offering a safe and sustainable, yet durable and modern product to all of our clients.

What are the benefits of UPVC windows?

One of the main benefits of UPVC windows, compared to either steel or aluminum windows and doors, is the fact that you can install UPVC windows with a smaller budget as well. This will give you roughly the same quality in terms of insulation and sustainability. These windows are almost maintenance free, apart from a regular wash to remove dirt and environmental residue.

The windows are extremely sturdy and durable, and can withstand all possible weather conditions in the Netherlands. Due to the excellent insulation, you will save a lot of money on a yearly basis, which is very beneficial in these times where energy prices are skyrocketing. If you want to replace your current windows to profit from all these benefits, please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have any time. We will happily provide you with all the information you need, or a clear quote.